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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 26, 2024, a public hearing as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, will be held with respect to the proposed issuance by the Pajaro Valley Health Care District (the “District”) of its general obligation bonds in one or more series in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000 (the “Bonds”). The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to finance: (1) the acquisition of the land on which the Watsonville Community Hospital (the “Hospital”) is located at 75 Nielson St, Watsonville, California, (2) certain costs of architectural and engineering design for the Hospital’s emergency department, (3) the costs of certain outdoor common space upgrades at the Hospital, (4) the costs of certain security system upgrades at the Hospital, (5) the costs of certain fixtures at the Hospital consisting of a CT Scanner and MRI machine, as associated Hospital renovations, (6) radiology room upgrades at the Hospital, (7) HVAC repairs and upgrades at the Hospital, (8) solar panels and related infrastructure at the Hospital, (9) roof repairs and replacement at the Hospital, and (10) certain expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. The facilities are to be owned by the District and operated by the Pajaro Valley Health Care District Hospital Corporation (the “Corporation”), a nonprofit public benefit corporation described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and may be leased by the District from time to time to the Corporation and one or more other nonprofit public benefit corporations that are described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

The Bonds will be general obligations of the District, payable solely from ad valorem property taxes levied by the District and collected by Santa Cruz County and Monterey County. 

The hearing will commence at 5:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, and will be held in the Kathleen King Community Room, 85 Nielson Street, Watsonville, California. Interested persons wishing to express their views on the issuance of the Bonds or on the nature and location of the facilities proposed to be financed may attend the public hearing or, prior to the time of the hearing, submit written comments.
Additional information concerning the above matter may be obtained from, and written comments should be addressed to: Clerk of the Board, Pajaro Valley Health Care District, 75 Nielson Street, Watsonville, CA 95076.

Dated: June 17, 2024

Interested in becoming a board member?

The Pajaro Valley Health Care District’s board will have 3 board seats up for election on the November 2024 ballot. If you’re interested in learning more about running to fill one of our board seats, please visit the Santa Cruz County Elections Department or County of Monterey Elections Department websites, depending on where you reside with in the District. The county election departments have a short window for applications, so be sure to visit between July 15th and August 9th.

Join the Next Monthly Meeting!

Meeting ScheduleZoom Link
PVHCDHC Finance Committee MeetingsOctober 29, 2024 12:00

Meeting ScheduleZoom Link
PVHCDHC Employee Engagement Committee MeetingOctober 9, 2024 5:00

Meeting ScheduleZoom Link
PVHCDHC Special Board MeetingOctober 11, 2024 8:00

Measure N inaugural bond sale set for August 27

Following the passage of Measure N in the March 2024 election, the Pajaro Valley Health Care District (PVHCD) is preparing to offer its Series 2024 issuance of General Obligation Bonds, with an order period on August 27, 2024. For more information, including how to purchase PVHCD bonds that day as well as the Preliminary Official Statement, Investor Presentation and Credit Rating Report, click here.


With an eye toward the future, we are exploring collaborative partnerships

The Pajaro Valley Health Care District (PVHCD) board is exploring potential external partnerships with other healthcare organizations, to help ensure Watsonville Community Hospital will be sustainable for the longterm, and be able to serve its community for generations to come. 

We honor our community who rallied in 2021 to save the hospital from closing at the hands of the previous for-profit owners. You are the reason we are here today, and we understand the importance of this community owning its own hospital. The voters stepped up earlier this year again to pass Measure N, which will allow us to buy the land and buildings of the hospital, and make long-overdue hospital infrastructure improvements and renovations. It’s an exciting time! But the Measure N funds are only able to be spent on infrastructure, not on things like IT systems or computers, or smaller equipment like portable ultrasound units, anesthesia machines, patient beds or amenities for patient rooms. So, now we are looking to continue our operational and financial turnaround plan with the exploration of partnerships. 

We’ve developed a set of guiding principles with input from the community to set guardrails around future partnerships and ensure community ownership of the hospital. The board will not be selling the hospital, replacing senior leadership, or outsourcing staff. Instead, we are looking to collaborate with other organizations to achieve shared economies of scale to be able to operate more efficiently and continue to add services our community needs. 

If you’d like more information, including a copy of our RFP, please click here.


District Board

Hospital Board

Hospital Finance Committee

Hospital Strategic Planning & Marketing Committee

Hospital Employee Engagement Committee

Hospital Quality & Patient Safety Committee

For past meeting minutes and video recordings, please go to the Meetings page.

PVHCDHC Notice of Intention to Adopt a Conflict of Interest Code

PVHCD Notice of Intention to Adopt a Conflict of Interest Code

We are fortunate to have five dedicated members of our community who provide oversight and accountability of the Pajaro Valley Health Care District. They currently serve on both the district board and Watsonville Community Hospital board.

Former Board Chair, John Friel

In Memoriam

The Pajaro Valley Health Care District (PVHCD) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its esteemed chairman, John Friel. Friel resigned from his board position effective March 19, 2024. He passed away peacefully on March 21 surrounded by family.

“This is a big loss for our organization and our hearts go out to John’s family,” said Stephen Gray, Watsonville Community Hospital and PVHCD CEO. “It’s difficult to express the amount of gratitude we all feel toward John. When the county asked him to lead the district, following its inception in 2022, John didn’t hesitate. He could have just decided to enjoy his retirement, but that’s not John Friel. He brought more than 50 years of experience as a nurse and as a healthcare executive to get the district off the ground, and ensure its financial stability and long-term sustainability. His committment to our community never waivered.”

Friel was a steadfast advocate for patients throughout his adult life, beginning as a licensed vocational nurse, then a registered nurse, serving both in hospitals as well as two years with the nursing corps at Travis Airforce Base, where he worked with wounded patients coming in from Vietnam. He carried that conviction of helping people into his many leadership roles at several hospitals across California, and ultimately at Watsonville Community Hospital, when he became CEO in 1991. Friel helped secure FEMA funding with the help of Senator Diane Feinstein to build Watsonville Community Hospital’s current facility following the 1989 earthquake. Friel’s extensive healthcare experience and his servant leadership style helped launch the Pajaro Valley Health Care District and return the hospital to non-profit community ownership.

The Board Room at Watsonville Community Hospital on March 19 was dedicated to Friel during a small gathering with his friends and family. Friel joined virtually from home.

District board member Jose Antonio (Tony) Nuñez was voted into the chairman position at the board’s February 28 meeting and will chair his first meeting of the board on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 5 p.m. in the Community Room at 85 Nielson St., Watsonville.

Watsonville Community Hospital

Coastal Healthcare