Contact Info

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Are you a current employee of Watsonville Community Hospital, Coastal Healthcare, or the Pajaro Valley Health Care District?
Are you a former employee of Watsonville Community Hospital, Coastal Healthcare, or the Pajaro Valley Health Care District?
Are you a current clinician who provides services at Watsonville Community Hospital?
Do you have a family member who is an employee of Watsonville Community Hospital, Coastal Healthcare, or the Pajaro Valley Health Care District
Are you a vendor, contractor, or consultant to Watsonville Community Hospital, Coastal Healthcare, or the Pajaro Valley Health Care District?
Do you understand the roles and responsibilities of the Oversight Committee?
Will you comply with the Committee Bylaws?
Do you have any conflicts that would preclude you from attending Committee meetings?
Do you know any reason, such as a potential conflict of interests, which would adversely affect your ability to serve on the Committee?

NOTE: When sending this application form, I certify that I have answered this form truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.
